I first got a text from this sweet mama on a warm July evening at 8:35pm saying that she thought her water broke and she was feeling contractions every 4-5 minutes but they were still very mild and achy. About an hour later they were moderate in strength and 3-4 minutes apart. At 10:06pm I received another text saying that they were definitely stronger and now 2-3 minutes apart. I was already on my way to her house when I got this message. I knew that with it being her third baby she would be ready for me soon. Upon arriving, after listening to her baby she requested a cervical exam and was shocked to hear that she was 8cm! We finished getting the tub ready for her and she climbed right in. She continued to breath through the surges with such strength and so much beauty! She pushed with such ease and gently birthed her baby into the water shortly after midnight. She celebrated and said “I can’t believe I just had a homebirth!” 

Congratulations on your sweet baby girl. 

Photos by Katelyn Cantu Photography                     Doula: Sunshine Doula Services